Happy Healthy Habits

In HHH, you’ll automate the health habits you need to feel the best you’ve ever felt – in body, mind, and spirit.


With these habits, you’ll feel incredible in your body, increase your mental clarity and emotional wellbeing, improve your body intuition and relationship with food,  and become less stressed and more joyful in your everyday life!

I Get What You’re Going Through...

You feel like you’re either “on” or “off” the wagon when it comes to health. You know all the things you “should” be doing, but for some reason just can’t find the motivation to make it consistent.

You feel stressed about your health, worrying about all the things you “should” be doing. If you didn’t have to think about all of it so much, you’d have so much more capacity to do the things you really love!

You feel like this “adulting” thing is way too hard. You want to feel like you have it together, but for some reason you feel like everyone else has figured it all out except you.

You’ve heard it’s possible to listen to your body and your intuition, which sounds great! But you also don’t really get it.… Is it a metaphor? You feel disconnected from your body and what it’s trying to communicate with you… but you want to tap in!

You know you “should” love your body, but you don’t know how to actually change your perception of your body, or your eating habits. You want to be able to both accept your body AND make changes at the same time!

You feel foggy and tend to procrastinate. You want to have more mental clarity, productivity, and even more fun. You want to have more capacity to do what you’re truly passionate about, and you want to en-JOY life more!

And I know that right now...


You’ve tried different ways of eating, created rules for yourself, and tried to follow eating advice from all kinds of sources. You’ve tried all the plans, and maybe they’ve worked – until they don't anymore. And you’re feeling pretty lost and out of touch with your body. Because of all this, you don't have as much capacity to enjoy life or make the impact you deeply want to make in the world


You want to feel good in your body – both more comfortable AND more confident. You want to stop feeling like you have to think so much about being healthy and instead just be healthy!! And then have the mental space and freedom to have fun, be productive, and connect deeply with friends, family, and yourself. Ultimately, you want to thrive in your body and your life, and to get unstuck – for good!


You know there’s got to be more from life than ‘work-hard, play-hard.’ So you’ve tried mindfulness practices, workout plans, self-help books, spiritual retreats, health workshops, etc. All this searching may have even taken you away from your own body intuition, and while you’ve heard that people can listen to their bodies and give them what they need, it feels out of reach. You want to trust your body and yourself, but you’re not sure how to start.


You are hard-working and driven, and you’ve probably achieved success in your school and career life. But that hasn’t gotten you where you want to be in your personal life. You want to feel like you have a sense of control over your health and your day-to-day experience. You want to feel confident in where your life is headed. And you want to actually enjoy the journey along the way!

How Do I KnowThis?

Because I've been there too.

Hi, I'm Hadlee!

I know what it’s like to be terrified of my future, to feel uncomfortable in my own skin, to live out of integrity with the way I want to live. I know what it’s like to have a dysfunctional relationship with food and with my body. I know what it’s like to feel a general and constant sense of discontent and irritability, annoyed with myself and those around me for no real reason, feeling like time is passing me by without knowing what I want to do or be in my life.

I was irritable, lonely, unsure of what I wanted to do in my life… I was sick and on antibiotics much of the time, not sleeping, desperate… I craved food, an escape from reality, and quick fixes that would help me gain any semblance of control over my health, my happiness, my day-to-day life… I was frustrated, binge eating, had depressive symptoms…

I thought I just needed more motivation, more willpower, more discipline. I thought I could do it alone. I thought there was something wrong with me and that I just needed to be “better.” But for true and long-term health and happiness, I had to shift from perfectionism, constant efforting, and quick fixes – to acceptance, self-compassion, and sustainable behavior change.

I finally stopped trying to do it all alone and got the help I needed. That help came in the form of a dynamic group coaching program, the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda, the health habits necessary for thriving, and the science of behavior change.

Once I did that, I become more purposeful, energetic, confident, and happy. I went from forcing myself to do all the “healthy” things out of self-contempt – to allowing myself to fall into them with ease and self-love.

I now know what it’s like to be alert and focused, to have mental clarity and to honor my body’s needs without punishing myself for eating something “wrong” or not working out as hard as I “should.” I now know what it’s like to be free from allergies and frequent illnesses, to wake up in the morning excited for the day, to feel loving toward my body and soul. I now know what it’s like to feel blessed in my relationships instead of annoyed.

I now know what it’s like to have found my passion in life, and to live my day-to-day feeling truly excited and fulfilled.

Why Is this Important?

Because if I can do it, so can you.
And I’m going to help you get there.


You feel better than you've ever felt – light, energized, strong, capable. You no longer worry about all the things you “should” be doing for your health, both because you’ve developed self-compassion and because you’ve automated the habits you need to thrive in body, mind, and spirit.

You understand what your body is communicating with you – and how to give it what it needs. And you intrinsically want to do what’s best for it because you have a deep respect and love for it and for yourself.

You’re living in integrity with your body, mind, and spirit, and have shed the uncomfortable feeling of not doing the things that actually make you feel good. You wake up ready to take on the day, confident in yourself and your abilities, and comfortable in your body.

You’ve finally released the overwhelm, taken control over your time and resources, and are living your purpose and passion – without procrastination!

Little things – and even big things! – don’t bother you so much anymore. You no longer take things so seriously, and you see the humor in all the little things. You’re no longer so critical (of yourself or others), and instead allow life to ebb and flow.

You actively enjoy your life. You’ve let go of the things that don’t serve you, learned to be gentle with yourself, and have incorporated more space and time in your life to pursue not just your goals, but also the things that bring you pleasure!

Happy Healthy Habits teaches you how to understand your body, mind, and spirit in order to live the life of your dreams.

Even If....

You’ve already tried “all the things.” And they haven't worked.

I get it. I had too. And so had many of my clientsBut the problem with most of those other things is that they may have told you what to do, but they didn’t teach you how to actually follow through, how to actually automate the habits you needed to succeed, how to work through the subconscious patterns holding you back.  

Plus, many other offerings don’t have the dynamic, ever-evolving community we’ve got here in HHH. It’s not just another Facebook group that you join and never engage with. It’s a community full of like-minded people who are just as determined as you to make changes in their lives. The members in this community are supportive, kind, and welcoming. They’re also ready to help you troubleshoot challenges as they arise, lovingly challenge your limiting beliefs, and reflect back to you what you may not be able to see yourself (yet!). This is what makes HHH so different, and so much more successful than other programs!

You’re Nervous About the Investment.

Our goal is to not let money stop anyone from joining Happy Healthy Habits if they really feel deep down it’s right for them.

We can help you figure out a way to make it work if you’re fully ready to commit. We also have really affordable payment plans that make it much more accessible!

You’re nervous about the time commitment.

We get it. Most people are. But this isn’t just “another thing” on your plate. We do our best around here to give you only the information you actually need to make the most efficient, effective transformation possible (with opportunities to dive deeper if you’d like to nerd out like we do!).

Most people are already experiencing a sense of overwhelm and a strained relationship with time. We have not only curated the content to be as digestible as possible: we actually have trainings on how to improve your relationship with time, decrease overwhelm, and stick with the program in a way that works for you.

So there’s really no reason not to join! We’ve got you covered.

Anna Washington, D.C.

“I originally enrolled in Happy Healthy Habits to lose some weight for the summer and feel better in my own skin, but my experience has been so much more than that. Before this course, I succumbed to fad diets and many short-term solutions for weight loss. Through group calls, individual coaching calls with Hadlee, and gradually introducing the habits into my life, I have accomplished my goal of feeling lighter in my body as well as overcoming my perfectionist tendencies. I’ve cultivated a healthy mindset in which my only goal is to be better than the person I was the day before. I no longer feel defeated after a heavy meal or a skipped workout, because I know I can get back on the right path immediately. These successes did not come easily, but Hadlee’s constant support as well as encouragement from others in the course have made them possible. It’s easy to look on Instagram at all of the “perfect” people and get discouraged about yourself, but this course has really taught me that personal growth and being content within ourselves outweighs temporary happiness.”

Micco, WA

“I’ve taken courses, participated in therapies, attended retreats, read books, and listened to podcasts to support my personal growth over the years. But none of them have hit home quite like Happy Healthy Habits. Implementing these habits has already shown me that often my worries in life are fed by my lack of sleep, poor diet choices, etc. Because of the habits, I now feel so much better both emotionally and physically. This course has helped strengthen my values and knowledge surrounding self-care, which I’ve decided are the prerequisites for grounded, sustainable growth in any dimension of life. I have found empowerment in being certain of what I want and need to live a healthy, fulfilled life rather than putting undue emphasis on cultural norms that don’t value individuals and their health.”

Kristen AZ

I am so excited for all the people who may be reading this and deciding whether to invest in themselves. If so, I would say that the investment is essential, and more important than all the other material things that you could put dollars toward instead. Your health is your greatest wealth at the end of the day because you can't truly enjoy all the materials without it!”

What you will learn

  • Identify your WHY
  • Set achievable goals
  • Discover your Anchor Statement, the affirmation you’ll come back to over and over again
  • Your brand of Self-Sabotage and how to overcome it
  • Ayurveda and why it’s important
  • Training: getting the most out of any group experience
  • The basics on Your Relationship with Food
  • The mind-blowing benefits to eating earlier and lighter
  • Meal Planning for earlier, lighter dinners
  • Kaizen: harnessing the power of small, incremental change over time
  • Synching sleep with your circadian rhythms
  • Design your evening routine
  • Troubleshooting insomnia
  • Habit Triggers: automate habits with the help of Trigger/Habit/Reward
  • Create the morning routine that’s right for you
  • Hydrate first thing
  • Become a Pooping Champion 💩
  • Architect Your Environment: make it easier to make better choices for yourself
  • “Yes, and…”: reframe your “no, buts…” and start problem solving
  • Connect your breath, your body, and your consciousness through movement
  • Exercise according to your dosha
  • Design the workout routine that’s right for YOU
  • Habit Stacking: leverage the habits you already have!
  • Recognizing that healing the planet and healing ourselves cannot be separated
  • Shifting the paradigm: from food “shoulds” to deepening your relationship with your ecosystem
  • Evaluate your starting point and identify next steps
  • Putting it into practice: how to live a plant-based lifestyle – no, it’s not about being vegan (though vegans are welcome too!)
  • Becoming more conscious of your environmental impact in the kitchen
  • The Hunger-Fullness Scale for eating more intuitively
  • Eating for your dosha: build your body intuition with the help of Ayurveda
  • Planning weekly meals guide, steps, & resources
  • Tutorials for throwing together food and making cooking NBD
  • Developing self- and body-love through self-massage
  • Unlocking blocks to self-massage
  • Ayurveda & Abhyanga
  • Orient Toward Thrive and Identify Your Deeper Desires
  • Mindfulness, Meditation, Prayer, Reflection, or simply Sitting in Silence – common misperceptions and breaking down the myths of meditation
  • Developing the practice that works for YOU
  • Resources & practices to explore
  • Guidelines, not rules
  • Rhythmic eating for your dosha – constitution and imbalances
  • Implementing the guidelines specific to your needs
  • Get out of your own head through giving
  • Receiving graciously: a lost art
  • Create a more fulfilling life through the pulsation of giving & receiving
  • Making it practical: implementing & automating generosity
  • Asking for support: who to ask, how to do it, how not to do it
  • Your sense organs matter more than you think
  • Balancing your doshas with sense organ care practices
  • Sense organ practices & resources
  • Habit Automation & Non-Negotiables
  • Easeful Living vs. Stressful Living
  • Follow the Shakti
  • Transforming anxiety
  • Feel it to heal it
  • Nervous system regulation & emotional resilience

What's Included

10 Core Training Modules

...that follow a step-by-step process designed to help you implement the Ayurvedic health habits needed to thrive. This includes not only information about the habits, but the behavior change strategy necessary to actually achieve them long-term.

Weekly LIVE Group Coaching Calls

...to connect with fellow Happy Healthy Habits members and deepen your learning of the content as well as troubleshooting challenges that arise – whether those challenges are limiting beliefs, logistical realities, subconscious patterns, relational hurdles, or anything else.

Exclusive Members-Only Community

No, it’s not a Facebook group! We use a program called Mighty Networks that is fully private, fully engaging, and full of other HHH members who are there to support you, help you when you’re struggling, and celebrate your wins along the way.


...on curated, Happy Healthy-approved products to help you architect your environment and make HHH and your Happy Healthy life simpler, more easeful, and more fun!

BONUS Recordings

You'll get access to over 30 Feel Good Flow yoga classes from McKenzie Riepen of Connected Mind Body to help you embody the teachings you learn in HHH. You'll also get access to all the live group coaching recordings in the history of HHH!

The HHH Resources Guide

...with helpful resources specific to each habit – from recipes, to kitchen & grocery staples, to book & podcast recs, to workout & meditation faves… It’s your one-stop-shop for all things happy and healthy!


Jessie WA

“Hadlee's course has helped me shift my mindset about health. Rather than relying on motivation, I've developed habits and skills to troubleshoot my own thoughts and behaviors so that I can feel my best. I've struggled with getting enough sleep my whole life. It feels amazing to finally have a sleep routine down and to wake up early every day feeling well rested and with more mental clarity. This has helped me in all aspects of my life. Hadlee has helped me think deeply about the kind of person I want to be, and from there, helped me work backwards to accomplish the specific goals I have for myself. Meeting weekly with a group of supportive people has been super useful. I've learned to work through obstacles by "reaching out when I tweak out" instead of struggling on my own and giving up. I'm excited to apply these skills to other parts of my life so I can become the best version of myself!”

Ellen MI

“After my initial Health Goals Session with Hadlee, I felt like a weight had been lifted from my shoulders. I was reassured that my struggles with food, weight, and self-esteem weren’t just in my head and that there were reasons behind those struggles that I could actually overcome. Since that first call, I have grown more than I ever thought possible. By changing the little habits throughout my day, I have become the kind of person who lives in integrity with what my mind and body needs. By understanding what my body needs and knowing how to listen to it, I have been able to apply this with all aspects of my life. I have become less reactive, more energetic and outgoing, less anxious, and am able to say no to the things in life that I know will not be good for me mentally and physically. I still have a lot of growing to do, but HHH has provided me with the tools to do this for the rest of my life.”

MJ, Oah’u Hawaii

“Aloha! I am beyond grateful (and Happy) that I decided to join HHH! I have seen and felt myself transform into the person I knew was there, but didn't quite have the resources and inner motivation to find. Incorporating new habits each week into my daily lifestyle ensures I am taking advantage of my time, mental clarity, and well-being. My entire mindset on nourishment has shifted. I am making productive steps forward into becoming the person I want and know I can be, using the mental clarity that I’ve gained each day to make intentional decisions. The relationships I have intentionally kept have prospered, and I have also intentionally weeded out relationships that no longer served me and my beliefs. After all this and the work in progress, I see a light at the end of my tunnel of struggles. I have learned that even on my “off” days, I’m able to learn and grow and use that as ammo for the next days down the line. Every day should be used to better yourself, and I’m so excited to see how I can keep using these habits to live each day the best!

Diane WA

“Joining HHH was an easy decision. I was looking to regain my mind and body after having kids. I was excited to have Hadlee as the leader, as she’s someone that I’ve always admired. After having my third child, my patience wore thin. Frustration left me stagnated as a person. Taking time for myself to rejuvenate felt like a fleeting idea with three small kids and a husband. The program taught me to find and demand the time. If I’m ever stuck on something, I know I’ll have an abundance of healthy support and different ways to gently troubleshoot an issue from Hadlee and the rest of the group. I’ve been delighted to find that through HHH, solutions to problems are often very simple adjustments. I’m also thankful that the course runs for a year, as I’ve gone deeper into the habits with each round. As a result of this program, I’ve never slept better! I wake rested and ready to envision the day on my terms. I trust myself more and love myself deeper. I’m still a work in progress but I’m thankful for the Habits for returning me to me! I smile more and aim to live with intention.”

Macayla Michigan

“I was hesitant to take this course at the beginning because of the commitment. A few months in, I couldn’t be any happier that I did. The habits I have learned to implement during the course have been life-changing. I started this course during dark, cold Michigan winter. The course helped me get through the winter blues by implementing habits that made me feel so much better physically, mentally, and spiritually. Not to mention there’s an awesome support group here to help at any time! This is just a small example of the many ways it has changed my life for the better. I have noticed a huge change in my stress levels and how I manage stress since starting this course. I sleep more, I rest more, but I still get the things done that I need to. It’s amazing how much more productive you are when stress isn’t taking over your life. The best part of this course is the amazing support system that is developed throughout. Hadlee is an amazing coach and is always there to help when a problem arises. The group you work with is always there to provide advice and support. I would recommend this course to anyone and everyone.”

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Shanna - Testimonial
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Patti - Testimonial

Happy Healthy Habits is for You If...

✔️  You’re ready to stop making excuses and get to the health and happiness you want… and deserve!

✔️  You want to cultivate a healthier relationship with food, your body, and your Self, and you’re willing to do what it takes to get there.

 ✔️  You resonate with Ayurveda and want to dive deeper into its wisdom and how it applies to you and your modern life.

✔️  You’ll still be committed to your desired transformation in 6 months, 10 months, a year…

✔️  You know that being in a community of like-minded people is the most powerful thing you can do to create the changes you want, and you’re excited to connect with other Happy Healthy humans. 🙂

✔️  You want the process of health to be less rigid… and more easeful and FUN!

Happy Healthy Habits is Not for You If...

✘  You’re not quite ready to get uncomfortable investigating your excuses and limiting beliefs. Not everyone is yet, and that’s okay! We’ll be here when you’re ready.

You’re looking for a quick fix. We only offer long-term transformation here, and that might take longer than the quick fix you envision.

✘  You just don’t really want to change things in your life to get to your goals. There’s nothing wrong with that, we’re just not a good fit!

✘  You’re not open to learning about Ayurveda.

✘  Your transformation won’t be that important to you in a few months.

You’d rather not be part of a group.

✘  You want something rigorous and difficult. While this work is definitely challenging, we try to make it as easeful as possible for all HHH members, so if you want something extreme and demanding – and some people do! – HHH isn’t the place to be. Instead, we like to work with people whose tendency is that intensity, and work with them to soothe the tension in service of their goals for greater health and happiness.


Right now! Or whenever you’re ready to enroll. When you sign up, you’ll have immediate access to the program, including the set-up and onboarding modules. All you have to do is follow along with those modules to set you up with the course and community. You’ll also be able to join our weekly Live calls immediately, where you’ll be able to troubleshoot whatever challenges you’re facing, connect deeply with other members of the community, and receive guidance and support along your journey.

You’ll get access to everything within Happy Healthy Habits for one full year. This will allow you plenty of time to work through the modules, but also provide a deadline so that you actually take advantage of the program and everything it has to offer during your time with us.

Your first payment will be processed immediately upon checkout, and then monthly on the same date thereafter, until all 12 installments have been paid.

Most programs teach you what to do for your health, but leave you stuck trying to figure out the how. With Hadlee’s specialty in behavior change science, you’ll learn why you haven’t been able to stick to programs, habits, or desired behaviors in the past – and how to actually stick to what you set out to do in the future!

Additionally, Happy Healthy Habits blends the principles of Ayurveda with the concepts of rejecting diet culture and morality when it comes to health. Hadlee’s unique blend of mind-body-spirit connection, nervous system regulation, and making health fun will get you to the results you want effectively and efficiently – while also providing a ton of fun along the way!

Happy Healthy Habits will work for you if: 

    • You’re all in, willing to show up consistently and do the work.
    • You come to the program with a beginner’s mindset, an open mind, and a willingness to learn.
    • You are implementation-oriented and take action on the things you learn in HHH. 
    • You engage with the community and reach out for support when you need it.
    • You’re willing to investigate your limiting beliefs and be uncomfortable in service to your growth.

You won’t ever need to use Facebook here! Instead of a Facebook group, we use a program called Mighty Networks, which is incredibly user-friendly, has its own app so you can get community notifications right on your phone, and means you never have to log into Facebook!

Hadlee only provides one-on-ones for clients who are currently in or have already done Happy Healthy Habits. The reason for this is that working toward a goal in a group has been shown to be much more effective than only working one-on-one, and the most important thing for us is your success here!

We also realize that sometimes you need some one-on-one space to talk specifics about what you’re experiencing, and specifically tailoring what you’re learning about to your situation. So once you’re enrolled in HHH, you’ll have the option to purchase one-on-one sessions while you’re in the program as well as after you’ve graduated.

I would never tell someone they need to do Happy Healthy Habits if they truly don’t feel ready. However, often I talk with people who experience an inner “YES,” a feeling that this is right, but then talk themselves out of it with a whole host of fear and doubt. Don’t let your fears talk you out of your deepest desires!

I’ve also had clients tell me they talked themselves out of it so many times, and then finally joined HHH years later, but wish they would have done it sooner. If you feel deep down that joining us is right for you, don’t talk yourself out of it! Make the leap, and our community will catch you. 🙂

I’ve been there. If you’re nervous about investing in yourself, check out this blog post where I outline all the things we’re taught that it’s “okay” to spend money on, and all the things we’re not taught to invest in. 

Investing in yourself is the most important thing you can invest in. And if you show up and do the work in this program, you will not only receive the benefit of a health and life transformation, it’s actually likely that you’ll save money on the things that don’t really serve you AND cultivate a greater capacity to make money along the way. I’ve seen it over and over with HHH clients – they never dreamed that they would save and make so much money by aligning with their values and with themselves!

The monthly payment plan is meant to be affordable. But it’s also meant to get your attention, because where you put your attention, you put your energy. And where you put your energy, you grow. We want you to be all in. You can imagine being in a group of people that’s not dedicated to taking action, learning, growing, and supporting each other… it wouldn’t work!

So we have the investment at a price point where everyone shows up.

If you have questions or hesitations about pricing, please reach out here. I realize it’s a big commitment! And making that commitment to yourself is part of the process for the growth you deeply desire.

We suggest that you spend about 2-3 hours/week on Happy Healthy Habits.

One of those hours is dedicated to our weekly live group calls. The other hour or two will be dedicated to module work (videos, reflection work, etc.) and community engagement (connecting on the forum with other HHH members).

Of course, if you want to go in even deeper, we’ve got plenty of bonus material that you can spend more time on, though it’s not necessary for your success in the program.

Fill out the Contact Form here, and we’ll be happy to answer your questions!

Any further questions? Contact us!